The thriving unicorn: Five business secrets that can make startups of digital healthcare platforms bloom

In the fast-paced realm of healthcare, where digital technology revolutionizes patient care and treatment, a striking paradox emerges. While innovations like remote operations and robotic assistance promise to enhance emergency care and access to medical advice, a staggering 90 percent of digital healthcare platform startups face an early demise.

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Tarptautinės mokslininkų komandos tyrimas: kaip skaitmeninės sveikatos priežiūros platformos startuoliui tapti vienaragiu?

Tarptautinio projekto DiHECO, kurį koordinuoja Kauno technologijos universitetas (KTU), mokslininkų komanda išskyrė penkias paslaptis, kurios gali padėti jaunoms įmonėms pritraukti taip trokštamą 1 mlrd. JAV dolerių investicijų.

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KTU mokslininkė Asta Pundzienė: skaitmeninės sveikatos priežiūros paslaugos gali, bet dar neprisideda prie pacientų gyvenimo kokybės gerinimo

Nuotolinės sveikatos priežiūros paslaugos, tokios kaip, pavyzdžiui, nuotolinė pacientų stebėsena namuose gali ne tik išgelbėti gyvybę, bet turi ir prevencinį poveikį sveikatai. Dėl to, kad jaučiasi „stebimi“ gydytojo, pacientai ima aktyviau gyventi, sveikiau maitintis ir rūpintis savo sveikata – tai rodo mokslininkų atliekami tyrimai.

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KTU – išskirtiniame telemedicinos universitetų aljanse

Penki tarpdisciplininiai Europos universitetai, tarp kurių yra Kauno technologijos universitetas (KTU), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), Lundo universitetas, Montpeljė universitetas ir Tamperės universitetas jau trečius metus bendradarbiauja iniciatyvoje „DiHeco“. Pagrindinis šios iniciatyvos tikslas – įveikti telemedicinos plėtros iššūkius. 

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Kaune susitiks pasauliniai skaitmeninių sveikatos inovacijų lyderiai

Spalio 9-11 dienomis Kaune, KTU „Santakos“ slėnyje vyksianti mokslo ir verslo konferencija „3rd IEEE-TEMS International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship 2023“ suburs skaitmeninių inovacijų ir verslo entuziastus iš viso pasaulio.

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Four ways digital technology could improve medical services and your health

Many European healthcare systems struggle to keep up with the demand for care as they contend with aging populations, increased chronic disease, reduced funding, and stretched resources. But digital healthcare technology can help.

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How Tripadvisor for hospitals and clinics can improve healthcare

Online reviews and ratings provided by the likes of Tripadvisor and Yelp have changed how people select their hotels, restaurants, flights, plumbers and hair salons. Even hospitals and health clinics have got in on the act, with websites such as Care Opinion, Doctify and Google Opinion.

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Submit your abstract NOW | Deadline: 20 March 2023 | 3rd IEEE-TEMS ICTE 2023 Digital Ecosystems for Sustainable Society

Abstract submission and acceptance are compulsory if the authors wish to deliver a presentation during the Conference.

The Conference will focus on the following research tracks but is not limited to:

Track 1: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Converging in Response to Digitalization, Greening, and Opening of Innovation Network

Track 2: Sustainability-Based Business Models and Consumption Behaviour

Track 3: Digital Transformation, Road Mapping, and Scenario Building

Track 4: Technological Entrepreneurship

Track 5: Sustainable HRM and Organizational Sustainability

Track 6: Digital Healthcare and Platforms

We are excited to learn more about your research.

Welcome to the 3rd IEEE-TEMS ICTE 2023 on October 9 – 11 in Kaunas, Lithuania

3rd IEEE-TEMS ICTE 2023 Conference Co-chairs

LIVE broadcast DIGIPRO Health

Key factors in building a sustainable digital health ecosystem:
- Taking into account the needs of different participants in the ecosystem - patients, healthcare institutions, doctors, start-ups, large companies, education, non-governmental sector and investors - so that everyone benefits.
- Complementarity – the ability for different ecosystem participants to create and connect separate ecosystem modules into an ecosystem.
- Use of standards and designs that ensure smooth operation of the ecosystem and save resources.
- Joint efforts and investments of the state, business and every citizen in creating and developing the ecosystem.

More about digital health ecosystems in a webinar with Professor and chief researcher of Kaunas University of Technology School of Economics and Business, DiHECO project lead Prof. dr. Asta Pundzienė.

Join LIVE broadcast DIGIPRO Health: Skaitmeninės sveikatos ekosistemos on 29th of November:

Save the date for 

DiHECO PhD Colloquium

We are delighted to welcome you to the DiHECO PhD Colloquium 2022 on sustainable value creation and data for digital healthcare and entrepreneurship organised by the consortium of Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, Lund University, Sweden, and University of Montpellier, France, Tampere University, Finland.

The colloquium aims to establish a nice and comfortable environment, where you will feel welcome and be free to not only present and receive feedback on your research, but also address a wider range of questions concerning your PhD experience overall.

Workshops  „Scientific publication procedures, Text mining, and systematic literature review“ and „Paper clinic“ took place on 02-04 February, 2O22. Workshops were organized by The Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain.  These workshops were designed:

  • to provide the main steps in the scientific journal publication procedures from the evaluation of the state of the art to the submission and publishing process,
  • to enhance the knowledge on systematic literature analysis and
  • to advance current research projects by providing valuable feedback.

Thank you to the host and all DiHECO members and guests for their involvement and active participation.

Workshop "Sharing best practice of drafting winning Horizon Europe proposals and communicating available support" took place on the 12th of January 2022. Workshop was organized by Lund University. Interesting discussions and progress made on data governance in health care project. Thank you to all DiHECO members and guests. Thanks also to John Philips from LU Research Services for great advice on Horizon Europe applications.

DiHECO partners from the University of Montpellier (Sea Matilda Bez and Irene Georgescu) participated at the ORCA conference on the 18th of November 2021. During one of the plenary seminars devoted to the post-surgery experience and patient satisfaction, Sea Matilda Bez and Irène Georgescu discussed their preliminary results from a case study developed for DiHECO. The results are about "how digital platforms such as Hospitalidee can create value and opportunities for hospitals? Said differently, what value for hospitals from analyzing the patient feedback freely accessible online".

Sea Matilda Bez, Irène Georgescu, and Saleh Farazi (University of Montpellier) presented at the virtual academic conference WOIC (World Open Innovation Conference) their research on one of the case study developed for DiHECO. The audience was composed of researchers and professionals specialized in Open Innovation and the track specialized on "Digital healthcare platforms".

Industry Forum as a signature event for the IEEE-TEMS conference series around the world will be hosted by the 2021 IEEE ICTE Conference “Leading Digital Transformation in Business and Society“.  The industry forum invites speakers from industry leaders worldwide to speak on technology and engineering directions along with digital transformation management. This brings the needs of industry into the conference and opens doors for researchers to engage with industry. In this Industry Forum, participants will have the possibility to take a challenge and build future scenarios of digital healthcare platform. The registration is open!

Industry Forum as a signature event for the IEEE-TEMS conference series around the world will be hosted by the 2021 IEEE ICTE Conference “Leading Digital Transformation in Business and Society“.  The forum invites speakers from industry leaders worldwide to speak on technology and engineering directions along with digital transformation management. This brings the needs of industry into the conference and opens doors for researchers to engage with industry.

In this Industry Forum, DiHECO will have a panel discussion:  How to Produce and Realize Value in Digital Healthcare Platforms. The registration is open!

International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship (IEEE ICTE 2021) is going to be held in Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania! This conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners all over the world to share their unique knowledge and experience on leading digital transformation in business and society. The submission deadline is 31 March 2021.

International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship (IEEE ICTE 2021) is going to be held in Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania! We are happy to announce that the co-chair of Track 3 (Digital healthcare innovations) is prof. dr. Asta Pundziene!

International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship (IEEE ICTE 2021) is going to be held in Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania! We are happy to announce that the co-chair of the Track 3 (Digital healthcare innovations) is Alpo Varri!

International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship (IEEE ICTE 2021) is going to be held in Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania! We are happy to announce that the co-chair of Track 3 (Digital healthcare innovations) is prof. dr. Christopher Mathieu!

DiHECO project Advisory Board meeting is foreseen on the 29th of April 2021. 

Meeting time:  18:00-20.00 LT and FIN (CET+1) time; 17:00-19:00 FR, SE, E (CET) time; 8:00 am – 10:00 am PST

Meeting format: online (ZOOM).
*The event is dedicated to project partners.

DiHECO two days kick-off meeting on digital healthcare platforms was organized on 3 - 4 February 2021. The aim of the first day was to set a scene for digital healthcare platforms development with the special focus on the home-centered digital healthcare solutions. The second day aimed to review DiHECO project management and administration requirements and routines.